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Being dehydrated can make you less smart?! 🧠💧
Even mild dehydration of 2-3% can significantly decrease cognitive performance!
Hydration is absolutely critical to brain health. It’s essential for brain functions like thoughts and memory, as well as the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Being dehydrated can cause a ripple effect of problems. In fact, the brain alone is made up of 85% water, and nearly every function depends on it.
Staying hydrated is also extremely important, considering that the average adult loses more than 80 ounces of water every day through sweating, breathing, and eliminating waste. 🚰
If you are experiencing:
- Brain fog 🌫
- Fatigue 😴
- Memory loss 🧩
- Depression 😔
- Sleep issues 💤
- Inability to focus 🎯
It may be a result of dehydration! And remember, it’s not just about water—you need electrolytes too! 🧂
Sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and chloride are all essential components for maintaining proper electrolyte balance. ⚖️
Source Credit: Barbara O'neill ✅
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